Diabetes patient care

Diabetes patient care

The majority of people suffering from diabetes mellitus are unable to manage their own health, and therefore require assistance from other people. If there is a an underlying somatic disease or a more complicated form of the disease professional assistance is essential for the most important tasks of which include an organized administration of medication along with the creation of a healthy diet, moderate physical activity, and supervision over the personal hygiene. It is important to remember that many people suffering from diabetes develop changes to their brain, and it is essential to adhere to the prescribed medications from the physician treating the patient. This will reduce the potential complications caused by the condition.


The finest aspects of the treatment of diabetes

Diabetes mellitus may cause severe complications, such as heart and kidney issues vision impairment as well as high blood pressure, problems with vascular circulation and nerve fiber damage (diabetic neuropathy). In these instances, it is usually required to amputate the limb. However, it is feasible to greatly reduce the chance of complications when certain standards are adhered to. This includes:

  • Measuring blood sugar levels,
  • maintaining a healthy diet,
  • Moderate physical exercise (e.g. walking or physical therapy),
  • Personal hygiene precautions,
  • Care for patients with specialization.

Most of the time, the most prevalent problems associated with diabetes can be managed with high-quality treatment. The following conditions are manageable:


1. Nerve damage

The condition is also known as diabetic neuropathy. This condition manifests itself as numbness in legs, feeling of pain and tingling diminished sweating, or problems with the urinate. This causes an increase in the sugar levels and also destruction of the nerve fibers’ structures. Good care involves controlling the blood sugar level, taking the necessary medication on time, adhering to the diet recommended by a physician and not engaging in any physical activities.


2. Risk of contracting infections is increased.

Patients with diabetes are often affected by an increased number of fungal and bacterial diseases. They typically affect the urinary tract and skin. The caregivers help patients lower the chance of contracting infection. To do this, personal hygiene is closely monitored to ensure that the skin is fresh and dry. The caregivers regularly bathe patients. If they suspect an infection in the body of the patient nurses immediately inform the physician who is treating the patient.


3. Visual impairment

Diabetes sufferers typically suffer from cataracts or glaucoma. These visual impairments typically occur in these patients at a relatively young age. The reason for this is that the blood vessels of the eye and the retina, lens and optic nerve are damaged by excessive blood sugar levels. Patients need regular medical exams. This is required for prompt appointment of treatment in the event of need.


4. Problems with the limbs (in particular legs)

Feet issues can affect nearly everyone, however people suffering from diabetes are more susceptible to calluses and blisters. Patients with diabetes are more likely to have damaged skin and are susceptible to infections that are complex. This is because due to the damage to nerve tissue due to diabetes as well as the loss of sensitivity of receptors within the limbs decreases. Specialists with experience teach patients suffering from this condition to pay particular attention to their health particularly to the sensations that occur in the legs as well as adhere to important guidelines for care that ensure feet are clean and dry. These simple guidelines can reduce the likelihood of contracting an infection.


5. Heart or kidney dysfunction

Diabetes can increase the chance of developing kidney or heart problems. If you live an active lifestyle and regularly check the activity of the organs mentioned above and avoid any complications. Doctors who care for patients with diabetes assist in following the advice of a doctor and use the correct medications. The staff monitors the supply of moderate physical exercise and makes sure to ensure regular monitoring of the levels of blood sugar. Additionally, experts are present in the wards to provide attention and care. Often, they focus in not only the care of patients but also the execution of house chores. This allows patients maintain their energy vital to fight the illness.


Specialized treatment for a person who suffers from diabetes mellitus.

  • 1. Consultations with a doctor and the creation of the treatment plan.The doctor and nutritionist have to inform the staff caring for patients as well as the patient about the condition and how to manage it and how to treat it. The most important prescriptions given by the doctor are healthy diet and moderate physical activity weight control (it is not necessary to exceed the normal) and regular monitoring of the levels of blood sugar. All of this helps to maintain the health for the person.
  • 2. Smoking ban. Smokers should seek advice from a doctor regarding ways to get rid of the habit. Because of smoking a lot the chance of developing complications associated with the disease increase substantially, such as myocardial ischemia, stroke, diminished kidney function as well as the nervous system. Additionally, smokers who have diabetes mellitus are more at the risk of developing cardiovascular disease which can lead to death. the rate of death among those suffering from this condition is three times greater than non-smoking diabetics.
  • 3. Control of blood pressure and cholesterol levels. The high blood pressure can cause damages to the blood vessels and excessive cholesterol can affect your quality of life for anyone. In the case of those with diabetes, the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis within the vessels rise. In combination, these causes increase the chance of developing serious complications, including the myocardial or cerebral infarction. To keep your levels of sugar and cholesterol it is essential to follow the diet prescribed by your doctor and eat healthy food and engage in regular exercise and take the medication recommended by your physician.
  • 4. Exams scheduled by specialists. It is essential to keep an accurate calendar of medical exams throughout the year. It is important to visit not just an endocrinologist as well as an ophthalmologist, to examine your vision. The specialist will also test the eyes’ organs to determine if there is cataracts, glaucoma and damages to your retina. The regular observation of doctors helps the doctor to identify potential complications in the early stages and recommend the appropriate treatment.
  • 5. Vaccination. The increased blood sugar levels can affect immunity. So, for those suffering from diabetes, vaccination routinely is far more essential than for regular people. The measures include:
    • Flu shots. The flu shots must be administered each year. This will ensure your health in the time of an increase of the disease. Being able to protect yourself from flu can help avoid the complications that diabetes disease can cause.
    • pneumonia shots. In essence, the vaccine is administered at once. In the event of complications from diabetes mellitus as well for those who are over 65 years old it is possible that a repeat vaccination be required every five years.
    • vaccination against hepatitis B. If the patient hasn’t had a vaccination prior to this disease, it’s worthwhile to get the vaccine. This is especially important for patients who are older than 19 years old and as young as 59 years of age who suffer from type one or Type 2 diabetes. People who’re 60 old older or more, suffer from diabetes, and haven’t been vaccine-free should see a doctor;
    • Other vaccines. Doctors may suggest other vaccines, based on the medical condition of the patient.
  • 6. Dental hygiene. Diabetes can increase the risk of developing gum disease. To prevent gum disease, it’s vital to brush your teeth as often as two times per day. make sure you use hygienic floss at minimum every single daily (preferably immediately after eating). It is also essential to visit your dentist each six-month period. If you notice bleeding gums or swelling, redness or swelling it is imperative to contact an expert.
  • 7. Every day, take an aspirin. It helps lower the risk of blood clotting. Aspirin is recommended to take it every day, so that it’s possible to reduce the risk of having a stroke or heart attack.
  • 8. Alcohol control. People with diabetes must consume alcohol in moderate amounts. Based on the amount the amount of alcohol consumed alcohol consumption can lead to a dramatic decrease the blood sugar level. Patients are allowed to occasionally drink alcohol but in a limited amount and only in conjunction with food. It is crucial to keep in mind that alcohol is a high calorie substance, therefore dosages should be determined in accordance with the daily calories limit of the diet prescribed.
  • 9. Controlling stress. Chronic anxiety can affect hormonal production. This decreases levels of insulin and the tissue’s sensitivity to it. To avoid this happening patients must have enough rest. It is also recommended that patients engage in a program of relaxation therapy. This will lessen the effect of stress.
  • 10. Nutrition control. To decrease weight and insulin levels, it’s important to having a balanced diet. There are times when it is possible to fight diabetes successfully and keep the desired amount of sugar, it’s enough to shed up to 10% of weight.

The recommended dietary intervention for people with diabetes:

  • Talk to a dietitian. A doctor can assist you in creating the proper diet for diabetics in accordance with the lifestyle as well as the preferences of your patient.
  • Food preparation should include healthy ingredients and products that are recommended.
  • Talk to your physician regarding the recommended dosage of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for your patient.
  • Include fiber-rich foods in your diet, which can lower blood glucose spikes.
  • Check your glucose levels before as well after meals.


The positive side, however, is the fact that it is a manageable illness. While there isn’t any solution to diabetes, there’s many treatments available to aid in regulating blood sugar levels, and even prevent or delay the onset of complications.

The treatment for diabetes typically requires a mix of lifestyle modifications, medication and, in certain instances the use of insulin therapy.

There are a variety of medicines that are able to aid in controlling the levels of blood sugar in people suffering from diabetes. This includes:


Oral Medications

Oral medicines are usually prescribed to patients suffering from type 2 diabetes as they improve the sensitivity to insulin or encouraging insulin production. Examples of oral medication include metformin as well as sulfonylureas and DPP-4 inhibitors.



Injectable drugs, such as GLP-1 agonists as well as SGLT2 inhibitors, may help lower blood sugar levels and can also provide renal and cardiovascular advantages for renal and cardiovascular health.


Insulin Therapy

The use of insulin therapy can help control blood sugar levels for people who suffer from type 1 diabetes as well as some types with type 2 diabetes. There are a variety of insulin that are available, including intermediate-acting, short-acting and rapid-acting along with long-acting insulin. It is important to monitor the accuracy of blood glucose levels, and making adjustments to the dosage as required.

It is a chronic illness that requires continuous treatment and monitoring. While there isn’t a treatment for the condition, there are many treatments available to assist in regulating blood sugar levels, and help prevent or delay the onset of complications. Through lifestyle modifications as well as taking medication and monitoring blood sugar levels, those with diabetes can lead happy life that is full of joy.