Symptoms Of Anxiety Disorder – Causes, Symptoms

Do you also feel you are suffering from anxiety disorder? Do you also want to know the signs and symptoms of anxiety disorder to diagnose it? Then, you are precisely where you need to be.

There is a difference between common everyday anxiety and anxiety disorder. We will help you understand it by sharing the symptoms of anxiety disorder. If you have experienced these symptoms for a more extended period or more than a few days, then you are probably suffering from Anxiety disorder. 

Upon reaching the end of this write-up, you will have a clear understanding of anxiety disorder symptoms and whether you are suffering from this disease or not. First, let’s start with exploring the details of the first and most common symptom, racing thoughts.

Racing Thoughts And Restlessness:

Racing thoughts are one of the most common symptoms of anxiety disorder. People suffering from this disease feel these thoughts all the time. These are usually about their different fears related to their work, family, and other things.

You may also feel restlessness despite having proper rest. It is one of the physical symptoms of anxiety disorder.

Excessive Worrying:

The following widespread symptom of anxiety disorders is excessive worrying. People suffering from this disease often feel worried over small things. These may include their career, relations, the safety of their loved ones, or anything else. They imagine catastrophic scenarios and get worried about them even if there’s nothing like that.

This excessive worrying affects different parts of their life, including decision-making, relationships, overall quality of life, and individual well-being.

Muscle Tension And Physical Discomfort:

Individuals suffering from anxiety disorder may also feel physical problems, especially muscle tension. You may feel tightness in muscles, headaches, or body pain due to it. It usually happens due to the “fight or flight” mechanism.

Our body activates this mechanism due to the fears and threats we have imagined. Although these are not real or happening now, a response still comes in this shape, and you feel these symptoms.

Difficulty Concentrating:

The following anxiety disorder symptom we are going to look at is difficulty in concentration. It makes it very difficult for people to focus on the tasks they are working on. The constant anxiety and being unable to focus on the work at hand can also lead you to mental fog, impairing attention and memory.

This symptom can affect both your academic and occupational performance. Take necessary measures as soon as possible if an anxiety disorder is affecting your concentration ability because you can face hazardous impacts due to it.


The following symptom we are going to discuss is irritation. It is an emotional response to anxiety by our body. Constant alertness and the burden of stressful thoughts often cause more frustration and irritability.

You quickly get irritated by what you are doing. You don’t feel interested in other activities and often get upset, even over the small things that you may not like. It can be especially harmful to your relationships. Remember, temporary irritation can happen to anyone, but when this behavior is persistent, it is a symptom of anxiety disorder.

Sleep Disturbances:

Anxiety disorders can also take a toll on your sleep. It may affect your sleep patterns. You may have difficulty falling asleep and waking up often during your sleep. It affects the quality of your sleep, and you don’t feel fresh even after sleep. It also impacts your overall energy levels and cognitive functioning.

Insomnia is one of the common issues associated with anxiety disorders. You must address this issue immediately for your mental and physical well-being. Good sleep hygiene can play a significant role in improving the quality of your sleep during anxiety disorder.

Persistent Fears And Obsessions:

The following anxiety disorder symptom we are going to discuss is feeling persistent fears and obsessions. It is very common among individuals suffering from anxiety, especially obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). You may experience intrusive or distressing thoughts to cope with these fears.

Persistently having these thoughts can significantly impact your everyday activities and quality of life. Therapies are one of the most effective ways to deal with these symptoms of anxiety. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is the most recommended approach for this purpose.

Final Words

There are different physical and psychological signs and symptoms of anxiety disorder. All these symptoms initially develop due to dress. You may also feel other symptoms with GAD, depending upon your condition and living style. If these symptoms are persistent, you are probably suffering from a generalized anxiety disorder.

Beware, it is a severe disease, and you should immediately seek medical help after its diagnosis. Please don’t hesitate to share it with your friends or family because it is a disease like all others. Fight it with all your means because its hazardous impacts can change the course of your life.

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