Anberry Hospital

What to Eat Before Running: Recommendations for Different Distances

There is usually much excitement when the topic of food comes up in running circles; what to eat while running and how to replace the nutrients lost in the process. But what about before the run? Before you even start running, you can do things to make sure you have enough energy. These tips also help you avoid stomach problems or feeling tired during your run.

In this blog, I’ll explain exactly what to eat before running any distance. I’ll also talk about foods you should avoid.

Following these tips will help you feel better and perform your best when you’re out running.

To Eat or Not to Eat Before Running?

Let’s answer the question: “Should you eat before going for a run?”

Well, in my opinion, it would greatly depend on one’s own inclination or preference.

Whoever wakes up with an empty stomach, then yes, it’s prudent you take something before setting off to go jogging.

But, if you intend to run around it for a 5K during the day, stomach full or empty may not hugely sway your results. However, there are certain foods you might take which may make your condition worse.

It all depends on things like how far you’re running, how soon after eating can you start running, what you want to achieve, and what your body needs. Some people can run without eating much before, while others prefer to have some food for energy.

What to Eat Before Running?

Below I’ve mentioned what to eat before running

What to Eat Before Running a 5K

When running 5K race or when jogging for training purposes, there may not be a need for extra fuel for the body as it has adequate glycogen to support the exertion. However, if you prefer to eat something before running, opt for easily digestible options such as:

  • Toast
  • Bagel
  • Banana
  • Energy gel
  • Coffee
  • Clif Bar

They do not make you heavy which is an essential requirement especially during a run.

What to Eat Before Running 10K

For shorter or more intense runs, it’s essential to keep pre-run meals minimal to avoid digestive discomfort. Since these workouts typically last less than an hour, the body can rely on glycogen stores for energy. However, if you prefer to eat before a short run, choose easily digestible options like:

  • Banana
  • Yogurt
  • A few bites of toast

Do not consume hard or fiber-rich meals that may lead to problems such as bloated stomach or upset bowels during the run.

Pro Tip

No matter how long or short your run, hydration is key for every runner. Starting your run dehydrated can make it much harder. Make sure to drink water throughout the day, aiming for 4-6 glasses before 2 pm and another 4-6 glasses after 2 pm. And don’t forget your reusable water bottle or thermos to keep hydrated on the go!

What to Eat Before Running in the Morning

Morning runners may wonder whether they should eat before hitting the pavement. While some runners can tolerate running on an empty stomach, others may benefit from a light pre-run snack to stabilize blood sugar levels and prevent hunger. Here are some suitable options for a morning run:

  • White bread toast with jam or honey
  • Ripe banana
  • Rice cakes
  • Corn flakes or puffed rice cereal
  • Watermelon
  • Dates or dried fruit

Choose high-GI foods that are easy to digest and provide quick energy for your morning workout.

What to Eat Before Running a Half-Marathon

Preparing for a half-marathon requires careful consideration of your pre-run nutrition. Since this distance falls into a gray area, where some runners may need a pre-run snack while others prefer to run on an empty stomach, it’s essential to listen to your body. Opt for easily digestible options such as:

  • Banana
  • Dates
  • Smoothie with peanut butter

Experiment with different snacks during training to find what works best for you on race day.

What to Eat Before Running a Marathon

Fueling your body before a marathon is crucial for sustaining energy throughout the race. Here’s what to eat before a marathon:

  • 2 hours before the run: Oatmeal, granola, avocado toast, or a PB &J sandwich
  • 1 hour before the run: Energy bar or sports drink for quick energy and hydration
  • 30 minutes before the run: Fruits such as a banana or dates, or an energy chew for a pre-run boost

In addition to pre-run fueling, remember to consume carbohydrates and electrolytes during the race to maintain energy levels and hydration.

What to Eat Before a Long Run?

Long runs require adequate pre-fueling to sustain endurance and prevent fatigue. Here are some options for pre-run snacks before a long run:

  • Peanut butter pretzels
  • Granola bars
  • Boiled potatoes
  • Bananas
  • Energy gels or chews
  • Sports drink
  • Dates or dried fruit

Experiment with different foods to find what settles well in your stomach and provides sustained energy for your long run.

What Type of Foods to Avoid Before Running

While certain foods can enhance your performance and comfort during a run, others may lead to digestive issues or discomfort. Here are some foods to avoid before running:

  • High-fat or high-fiber meals
  • Spicy foods
  • Dairy products (for lactose-intolerant individuals)
  • Greasy or fried foods

Stick to easily digestible carbohydrates and moderate amounts of protein and fat to optimize your pre-run nutrition.

Pre-Run Nutrition Tips

In addition to choosing the right foods, here are some general pre-run nutrition tips to enhance your performance:

  • Stay hydrated: Drink water or a sports drink before your run to ensure proper hydration.
  • Timing is key: Allow enough time for digestion before your run, especially for larger meals.
  • Listen to your body: Pay attention to how different foods affect your energy levels and gastrointestinal comfort during runs.
  • Plan ahead: Prepare your pre-run snacks and meals in advance to ensure you have the fuel you need for optimal performance.


How long should you wait before running after eating?

Usually, it’s best to wait 3 to 4 hours after a big meal before you start running. If you’ve had a small meal or snack, it’s better to wait at least 30 minutes, but ideally 1 to 2 hours before you go for a run. But remember, everyone’s body is different.

Final Thoughts

I hope you’ve got an idea of what to eat before running. Now it’s time to implement these strategies in your running routine and see how your performance will improve.

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