How to remove acne scars naturally in a week

We see people having little marks or bumps on their skin, especially on their faces. Sometimes, pimples appear on their skin. When the pimples go away then it leaves tiny marks on their skin. These tiny marks are called acne scars. This happens because when their skin gets acne, then it fixes itself and makes new skin cells. But sometimes it doesn’t do it perfectly, which leaves scars on their skin.

In this article, we will explain how people can treat their acne scars naturally by following these steps:

Natural Remedies to Remove Acne Scars:

Now, we are giving natural remedies so that we better understand the ways of how to remove acne scars naturally in a week.

  1. Aloe Vera Gel:

People use it to treat acne scars because it contains vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and amino acids which heal their skin naturally.Vitamin A, C and E are the antioxidants present in the gel, which plays an important part in repairing the damaged skin. These antioxidants also allow the growth of new skin cells.. We can use the aloe vera gel to reduce redness and swelling associated with acne scars.

We can apply the gel directly to the scars of the areas of skin. We need to wait for 30 minutes after we applied.Then we should rinse our face. We should repeat this process twice daily. 

  1. Lemon Juice:

Vitamin C is an antioxidant which helps to produce collagen. This collagen is necessary when our skin repairs and new skin cells grow. This antioxidant stimulates collagen and improves the texture of our skin by removing scars from it. Lemon Juice provides our skin with citric acid. This acid removes dead skin cells. Actually, the scars that appear on our skin are those dead skin cells. Citric acid removes them and lightens dark spots. In this way, it improves the skin tone.

The citric acid also kills the bacteria whose name is Propionibacterium, which causes acne scars. Lemon juice has some antibacterial properties which stops the formation of new scars on our skin.

How to apply lemon juice to your skin?

Pour the lemon juice into the bowl once you have peeled it and squeezed it. Now, wash your face with clean water and then pat your face with a clean towel. You must wash your face because you will allow the oil or dirt to be removed from your face. For some people, the extract of lemon juice irritates their skin but the practice is generally safe and leaves no side effects. Alright, now , dip the lemon juice with cotton balls and apply them to the area where scars are revealed. Now, you need to leave it in such a way that the cotton ball will remain on your skin for 15 minutes. Do this twice in a day.

  1. Honey:

Honey is a very helpful natural remedy to treat acne scars. Honey possess antibacterial properties that reduce the inflammation occurring from the acne scars. Flavonoids, phenolic acids and enzymes are the important antioxidants that are present in honey. These antioxidants aid our skin and remove scars due to acne. Moreover, it also hydrates our skin.

How to apply honey extract to your skin?

We scoop out raw honey with the help of a spoon and apply thin layers of it to our affected area of skin and leave it for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, we need to rinse our face. But we should make sure that our face should be cleaned from any oil or dirt before we apply honey to our skin. Repeat the process thrice in a day.

  1. Coconut Oil:

Vitamin E is present in coconut oil which is an antioxidant that protects the skin cells. Ultraviolet radiation damages the skin cells but this oil protects our skin from these harmful radiations. Phenolic acids and flavonoids are the important antioxidants that are present in this oil that has antiinflammatory properties against acne scars on the skin. Another antioxidant is ferulic acid which combats the oxidative stress and protects the people’s skin from aging.

How to apply Coconut Oil on your affected area of the skin?

After you have cleansed your face with warm water and pat with a clean towel. Now you will take a small amount of coconut oil onto your fingertips. Then you will massage it gently onto the affected area of your skin. Next, you must wait until the oil is absorbed by your skin in 10-15 minutes. Many people apply the oil before they go to sleep and leave it there overnight. This practice is also fine.After 15 minutes, you should rinse your face with lukewarm water. Make sure you apply the oil thrice in a day regularly. In this way, the acne scars will be removed soon.

  1. Rosehip Seed Oil:

Rosehip oil is extracted from the seeds of roses. Oil pressers gather the oil from the small fruits which is left over after the petals off the roses. These fruits contain tiny seeds inside them. People who work as oil pressers get the oil by pressing these seeds without the use of heat. This oil is good for the skin as it contains healthy fats and vitamins essential for the health of your skin.Rosehip seed oil contains vitamin C and linoleic acid which plays a role as antimicrobial and natural defense against bacteria for skin and helps in healing the skin cells.

How to apply the Rosehip seed oil?

You need to apply the oil to the affected areas of your skin after you have washed your face and pat it with a towel. Now leave the oil on the area for 30 minutes. After that, rinse your face with warm water. Practice this for thrice a day and on a regular basis.

  1. Turmeric:

Curcumin is an antioxidant and antimicrobial agent which is present in turmeric. This agent helps fight the bacteria especially Propionibacterium acnes and removes inflammation and dead skin cells. Turmeric is a very popular remedy worldwide to treat inflammations.

How to apply Turmeric on your skin for acne removal?

You need to make a thick paste by mixing 1 tablespoon of yogurt or honey and half tablespoon of turmeric powder. Before you apply the paste on the affected areas on the skin, it is important to wash your face and pat it dry with a clean towel, so that all the oil and dirt should be removed from your skin. You must leave the paste for 10-15 minutes and then rinse your face with water. You should not apply the paste more than once in a day because it may irritate your skin.

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