Anberry Hospital

Pregnancy Insomnia: Why You Can’t Sleep and What to Do

Is your pregnancy affecting your sleep? Do you also want to know how to sleep well during your pregnancy? Well, then, you are at the right place.

Difficulty in sleeping during pregnancy is called pregnancy insomnia. It is pervasive, and around 80% of women suffer from it during their pregnancy. You feel a massive drop in the quality of your sleep when it strikes you. We have shared some practical tips for practicing during pregnancy for better sleep. 

This comprehensive blog post will give you quick and quality sleep during pregnancy. You will also learn about all the causes and treatments of these diseases. Let’s quickly jump into the details without waiting any further.


Here are the factors that may make sleeping difficult during your pregnancy.

  • Leg cramps: Weight changes and increased pressure on your leg can cause leg cramps or restless leg syndrome. It may also make it difficult for you to sleep at night.
  • Hot Flashes: Some women also face hot flashes during their pregnancy. It is also called vasomotor symptoms. You suddenly feel heat and sweat in your neck, face, and breasts. It is also one of the causes of pregnancy insomnia.
  • Difficulty in breathing: Women also experience difficulty breathing during pregnancy. Your growing uterus causes increased pressure on your diaphragm and, eventually, your lungs. It may also cause difficulty in breathing and wake-ups at night.
  • Stress or anxiety: Another reason for Pregnancy insomnia can be stress and anxiety. There are a lot of thoughts in your head when you have a child in your belly. It can cause stress or anxiety and make it difficult to sleep.
  • More bathroom trips: You may feel the increased bathroom usage when pregnant. Awakening several times at night can also be the reason for your drop in sleep quality.
  • Back Pain: When you are pregnant, your leaning forward and changes in the center of gravity can also cause back pain, which may also be the reason for your difficulty in sleeping.
  • HeartBurn: Some pregnant women also feel hurt burns during their pregnancy. When stomach acids burn their way to the esophagus, it causes heartburn, sometimes affecting sleep.

Tips To Treat Pregnancy Insomnia

Practicing these tips can be fruitful for you and help you treat pregnancy insomnia. Let’s have a look at what these tips are and how they affect your pregnancy.

Maintain Good Sleep Hygiene

Good sleep hygiene can significantly improve your sleep quality. Here are some tips for better sleep hygiene during pregnancy.

  • Ensure your bed is comfortable. You can also use extra pillows for your comfort.
  • Sleep in a good posture that is comfortable for you and your kid.
  • Follow a proper bedtime routine.
  • Avoid watching screens like mobile phones, TVs, laptops, etc., before sleeping.
  • Ensure you have a dark, quiet, and peaceful bedroom.
  • Taking a warm bath may also help you sleep quickly.

Stay Comfortable

Being comfortable is very important for having quality sleep. You must be very comfortable when you sleep, both physically and mentally. Practice all the helpful techniques that will make you more comfortable.

Relax Yourself

The following practical tip for dealing with pregnancy insomnia is staying relaxed, especially if it is happening because of stress. Avoid negative news or the environment before sleeping. You can practice breathing exercises and relaxing techniques like meditation, yoga, reading a book, or calming music. Do whatever makes you feel relaxed.

Over-The-Counter Antacids

Next on the list is the use of over-the-counter antacids. These are safe to use for you and your baby. They are very beneficial for dealing with heartburn.

Be Careful With Your Diet

Your diet can also significantly affect your good night’s sleep. Avoid heavy mills and caffeinated beverages before going to sleep. Avoid chocolates and spicy or greasy foods before going to sleep. Eat a few hours before going to sleep. Eating complex carbohydrates like oatmeal or wheat toast will aid you in sleeping.

Water Usage

Drinking plenty of water during pregnancy is necessary for your and your child’s health. But drinking it before bedtime can increase your toilet trips. So the best way is to drink a lot of water during the day but drink it less or in controlled amounts 3 hours before sleeping.

Final Words 

Pregnancy insomnia can be very hectic, as if there were already fewer problems with pregnancy. It usually happens during the first trimester of pregnancy. The best way to deal with it is first to diagnose the cause of this problem and then find an effective treatment method to resolve the cause.

It is normal, and you don’t need to worry about it, but if it is affecting your routine or daytime activity, you should consult a doctor. Remember, pregnancy is a sensitive condition, so avoid using any medication or remedies on your own.

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